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Prehistoric Scratchpad

The previous epoch. Includes the beginning of the Quaternary Glaciation, several inter-glacials, up until the beginning of the current interglacial.

Pleistocene Epoch Web Pages[]


  • Quaternary Period (2.58-0.00 MYA) - The current Period. The age of humans. This time is the "current ice age", the Quaternary Glaciation.
    • Holocene Epoch (11.7-0 TYA) - The current epoch. The age of modern man. The current interglacial of the Quaternary Glaciation.
    • Pleistocene Epoch (2.58-0.0117 MYA) - The previous epoch. Includes the beginning of the Quaternary Glaciation, several inter-glacials, up until the beginning of the current interglacial.
      • Tarantian Age (126-11.7 TYA) - The Late Pleistocene. Defined as the beginning of the Eemian Interglacial until the end of the last glacial period of the last ice age.
      • Ionian Age (781-126 TYA) - The Middle Pleistocene. Neanderthals developed in this era (400 TYA). The earliest known human DNA dates to this time as does the beginning of the extinction of large mammals (132 TYA).
      • Calabrian Age (1.806-0.781 MYA) - 
      • Gelasian Age (2.588-1.806 MYA) - An age
  • Neogene Period (23-2.58 MYA) - Second of 3 periods of Cenozoic.

Pleistocene Epoch In the News[]

Sample (Year)[]
