Andy's Wiki
Solar System Scratchpad

[Boiler Plate]

Largest object in the Classical Kuiper Belt (dynamically hot) and third largest dwarf planet, three quarters or as big as Pluto. Second apparent brightest Kuiper Belt object in the solar system, it escaped detection for a while due to its high inclined orbit and because it was at its furthest point when discovered. The only undetected Dwarf Planet that Clyde Thombough could have detected, though it was near the galactic plain at the time. Originally named 2005 FY9 and code named Easterbunny, officially named after a creator and fertility god of Easter Island. Located in the center of the Kuiper Belt. Reddish in color, surface likely composed of frozen methane. Has no moons. Surprisingly found to have no significant atmosphere during an occultation.

Ss:Makemake Web Pages[]

Ss:Makemake In the News[]

Feature Articles[]

Eris Could Be as Small as Pluto (Dec 2010)[]

See Eris, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, Sedna

Main News[]

=Lacks Atmosphere (Nov 2012)[]
